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If you need personal help or advice, we are always just a call away.


+45 71 74 74 77

We’re waiting for your call and take an average of 12 seconds to answer.


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You will have an answer within 5 minutes of your message arriving. So please feel free to chat.


With an average response time of 1.5 hours, feel free to write us an email.

"We wanted to avoid tedious meetings with a pension advisor."

Rasmus Mathias Holm

Creative Director

TwentyTen logo I hvid i .webp format TwentyTen er kunde hos Grandhood
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+100 years of expertise

We’ve built the pension of tomorrow with the support of Velliv. Velliv is Denmark’s third largest pension company and is 100% customer owned.

When you’ve got pension with Grandhood, you’ve got pension with Velliv.

Pensionselskabet Vellivs logo i grå i .svg format